We are a 100% Volunteer Organization
Every dollar you donate supports our Projects & Programs
Donations of Any Amount Gratefully Accepted
Every donation adds up. No amount is too small or too big!
You can donate by credit card using the link below:
For credit card donations made in “memory” of a loved on, please send us an email stating your wishes: info@friendsofbarnstableharbor.org
Or Send a Check Payable to:
Friends of Barnstable Harbor
P.O. Box 248 – Barnstable, MA 02630
Thank You for Your Support!
The Friends of Barnstable Harbor, Inc. is a 501C3 Public Charity non-profit corporation. Contributions, bequests, and gifts are deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. Our Federal Tax ID is 26-4133541.