Rising flood tide at the Marttakeese Boat Ramp Blish Point
Millway/ Mattakeese Boat Ramp During 2018 Winter Storm Surge

Storm Surge & Flooding

Storm Surge & Flooding were just beginning to reach their peak in the picture above. Shortly afterwards, the seawater breached the marina bulkhead, Commerce and Freezer Roads, Millway Beach Seawall, and many other areas on Barnstable Harbor’s shoreline.

Climate related events are most likely inching their way to more tremendous storm scenarios like this one. Coastal Resiliency, the ability to “bounce back” after major storm events, as well as the ability to “weather” these storms.

Decisions as to whether it is better to rebuild and buffer, or retreat are specific to each instance of intrusion are often difficult to agree upon.

Adaptation is another important element of Coastal Resilience

Rebuild & Buffer

The Blish Point/ Commerce Road community continues to pursue the town, local and state officials in their efforts to find solutions to protect their property and their property values.