Summer is a notoriously slow period for Friends of Barnstable Harbor as so many of our volunteers and participants are up to their ears in summer activities. Nevertheless, behind the scenes, things are quietly churning.
Here is some of what is going on:
- Phragmites: Benefit/Detriment Analysis of chemical eradication
- Natural Landscaping: How your backyard can ensure the safety and health of Barnstable Harbor’s Flora & Fauna
- Education Initiative: Working with Barnstable Public Schools to implement Barnstable Harbor Eco-Tour Field Trips for 4th Graders
- Commercial Shellfishing: Meetings with Town Officials regarding Reserved Parking at Barnstable Boat Basin for Commercial Shellfisherman’s Trucks & Trailers
- Fall Event @ Sturgis Library (Date/Time TBD): “The Glacier & Barnstable Village”