Aerial View of Barnstable Marina way back when…
Image provided by John Crowell

Message From the Prez

Thank you to everyone for your ‘end of the year’ donations.  With your support we have made the final payment on the Benthic Habitat Mapping portion of our harbor mapping project “Barnstable Harbor From the Bottom Up“. 

Linked here is the December 2020 Interim Report for this project.  Note that there are 31 sediment sample stations across the harbor, with the 31st station located in the Barnstable Marina.  That station was revealed to be the least abundant of all 31 stations. 

Below are more 2020 January Reports.

2020 Annual Meeting

On December 18th, we successfully held our first virtual Annual Meeting on Zoom.  With over 30 attendees, we voted to adopt a new more streamlined mission statement. 

Education chair Brit Lay noted that due to the pandemic, our Youth Education Program for 2020 was in a state of limbo.  Although things look a bit bleak for the 2021 season, Brit plans to work with Barnstable Harbor Ecotours to find a way of getting kids out on the harbor.  We are open to new ideas and suggestions for maintaining this important program in the face of current social distancing restrictions.

For details on the meeting, please take a look at our 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes linked here.

2020 Annual Report

For a synopsis of our truncated 2020 activities, here’s our 2020 Annual Report.  Scroll down and take a look at some of our plans for 2021.  Perhaps you have an idea for a virtual speaker for our Free Lecture Series

Blish Point Ramp Dredging

Here’s what showed up in the harbor on Saturday morning. 

Beginning this week (weather dependent and of course right now we are amidst a 3 day nor’easter) the dredge will be removing approximately 650 cubic yards of sediment from the boat ramp.  Dredging sediments will be hauled away by barge.  The job is anticipated to be completed by January 13th, and the Blish Point boat ramp will closed during this period.  The ramp next to the Mattakeese Wharf Restaurant is open to the public.

Again, thank you for your continued support!

Avery Revere, President FBH

2020 January Reports