Youth Education Program:  BH Ecotours naturalist Phil Kyle teaching about horseshoe crabs
Youth Education Program Trip: A chilly May day

Friday’s Youth Education Program yep! trips with Barnstable Harbor Ecotour were a big hit with Barnstable High School English Language Learners.

Topics covered on the trips ranged from basic mapping, bird identification and behavior, description of Barnstable Harbor’s extraordinary tides and selfies! Yes selfies, it seems that no matter how beautiful the surrounding scenery, there is simply never enough selfies!

Barnstable Harbor Ecotours naturalist introduced students to electricity-free Sandy Neck Cottage Colony, reminding the students that there are lifestyles where the phone is a tool.

Nevertheless, the magic of Barnstable Harbor penetrates the even the age of electronics. Phones away and hands out to feel how horseshoe crabs really don’t bite.

Barnstable High School English Language Learners aboard the Barnstable Harbor Ecotours "Horseshoe Crab"
Barnstable High School English Language Learners were dressed
appropriately for the chilly May Day

We have 12 class trips scheduled for this spring. Students from the Lighthouse Charter School will be taking trips next week and in early June. We look forward to warmer weather for our upcoming trips.

Finally, if you are a teacher and would be interested in our Youth Education Program -yep!, please contact us at We feel that a boat ride with BH Ecotours expose students to coastal life on Cape Cod. We believe that students of all ages will have an experience that will never forget.