2023 Fall Fundraising Event

Thank you all for registering for and coming to our Sunset Cruise to support the Friends of Barnstable Harbor.  I trust everyone had an enjoyable evening.  Mother Nature certainly did her part in providing us with spectacular weather. 

Your presence on Friday was a critical element in the fundraising that we are engaged in to pay for the upcoming Finfish/Shellfish Survey that will begin next spring.  I hope some of you got to meet Owen Nichols from the Center for Coastal Studies and learn firsthand of the important part that this research will play in helping us to maintain the health and vitality of our treasured harbor for generations to come.

For those of you interested in learning more about this upcoming study (as well as about the first Benthic Mapping Phase that was completed in 2019) keep your eyes out for an announcement about our next event in October.  Owen and his staff will be back in the village to talk about the work they will be doing here and similar work they have completed in neighboring communities.  It promises to be an interesting and informative evening.

And for those of you who registered online for the cruise and were not previously members of the Friends, we have added you to our mailing list.  If you prefer not to be included in our future mailings, you can simply click on the Unsubscribe button below and you will be removed from our list.

Thank you again for helping us to keep Barnstable Harbor the jewel of our village.  We greatly appreciate your involvement. 


Jon Brink, President
Friends of Barnstable Harbor